11 December 2008


Obama Standard Apology Form

From Secundus

FROM: President-elect Barack Obama

TO: His loving and faithful citizenry

The President-Elect would like all people to know that he has (circle one) never met/ met socially/ met once several years ago the person(s) mentioned in the (circle one) indictment/ hateful church sermon/ sex scandal/ terrorist group/other_________. Furthermore, he deplores and regrets any action(s) or hateful speech(es) these person(s) may have or have not made, and hopes we can make a swift recovery from these incident(s) and move forward in the spirit of Hope and Change.

In addition, we must recognize that this (circle all that apply) terrorist incident/ hateful church sermon/ bribery scandal/ crooked political appointment/ other________________ happened _____ years/ months/ days (circle one) ago, and is thus old news anyway. Racists.


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