19 November 2006


Congratulations Buckeyes

I might live in Ohio, but I really didn't care that much about the outcome of the game. I do hate the state of Michigan more than Ohio, so I was more rooting against Michigan than rooting for Ohio.

Everywhere I went yesterday, almost everyone was decked out in red. Ohio State apparel everywhere. I watched the game with friends and it was a great game. Truly living up to the hype. One for the ages. The only problem with the Ohio State victory is now I'm going to have to listen to Hugh Hewitt brag about it all week. He was insufferable last week during the lead up. The win is going to make it worse this week.

I loved learning about the rivalry during the week. Some highlights:
  • It is true that the late Ohio State coach Woody Hayes, who did more to pump up the negative feelings in the rivalry than any man, refused to fill up his car in the state of Michigan.

    "I'll tell you why we don't," Hayes said, according to the seminal book, "Woody Hayes and the 100-Yard War." "It's because I don't buy one goddam drop of gas in the state of Michigan. We'll coast and push this goddam car to the Ohio line before I give this state a nickel of my money!"
  • It is true that Michigan, leading 55-0 late in the 1946 game, lined up and kicked a field goal.
  • It is true that Hayes sometimes bunked his team in Toledo on the night before a game in Ann Arbor so the Buckeyes could sleep on Ohio ground.

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